Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Abigail and Annika at the zoo

Andy and Annika at swimming lessons

Wow it has been a long time since I posted anything, here are a few highlights of things we have been up to.

Abigail and Papa at a Brewers game

Monday, October 27, 2008

Fall Fun

We have about 6 trees in our yard, the girls were having fun raking the leaves and playing in them. We will probably be repeating this over and over for the next month, it seems just when all the leaves are cleaned up the ground is covered again. It fun for the kids at least.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

She's moving!

Annika is growing so fast, she wants to keep up with her big sisters. She does this cute Army crawl all over the place and picks up tiny pieces of whatever off the floor. Here she is exploring everything!
All Three Troublemakers!:)

The Elegant Farmer

I'm a terrible blogger, I can never find the time to do these posts! We took the girls to our favorite fall spot, the Elegant Farmer in Mukwanago. The day was perfect. We rode the haywagon and picked apples and pumpkins. Then had lunch. It was a great day!

Friday, August 29, 2008

We went to Old World Wisconsin with the girls & Andy's parents. It was a good time we spent the whole day checking out old houses and an old time village.They had an old time county fair. The girls favorite part were all the animals we saw.

Annika's 1st haircut

Annika got her 1st haircut, her bangs were getting into her eyes, she did great, she was a little sqirmy but Ms. Judy did Awesome. Abigail took 75 pictures! Here is a sampling.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Abigail

This weekend is full of Birthday celebrations. Abigail turned 6 today! Yesterady she had a party with some of her friends from school . Abigail picked a horse theme, so for party hats we used cowgirl hats and bandanas. It was so cute, we did horse themed games, ate pizza and another yummy cake from Patty at Pat-t-cake's. Today we went to the State Fair, with Andy's parents and sister's family. We hit all of the animal barns and ate many yummy foods, we were wiped at the end of the day. Tomorrow is another party day.