Friday, July 4, 2008

Dells Mining Company

Here the girls and Andy are mining for "gems"

Noah's Ark

On our 2nd day in the dells we went to Noah's Ark and walked around downtown Dells. We let the girls go "mining" for gems. Noah's Ark was a lot of fun, they opened a new area for kids for this year called Tadpole Bay, perfect for young kids. Abigail was very disappointed when we decided to call it a day. It wore everyone out.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Lake Delton no more

We went to see what was left of Lake Delton , it is very sad, we took a few photos we saw one of the houses, ripped in half, the last photo is old soda & beer cans people started taking from the lake. There were a contant stream of people coming to look and take photots.

Wisconsin Dells/Baraboo vacation

It's my favorite week of summer. The 4th of July. Andy and I decided to take the week off, and take a road trip with the kids. Andy won some circus world tickets through his work and Abigail won some Noah's Ark tickets for the Kindergardener that sold the most Entertainment books. So we decided to head up to the dells. On Monday we went to circus world.